The Cat’s Out of the Bag – And Onto Your Lap
If you’ve ever tried to read a book, work on your laptop, or simply sit in peace, only to find your cat sprawled across your personal space, you’re not alone. Cats have a knack for choosing the most inconvenient places to nap. But why do they do it, and what can we do about it?
Why Cats Choose to Sleep Near Us
Cats are known for their independence, but they’re also social creatures that seek comfort and security. Sleeping near you offers them warmth, safety, and a sense of companionship. Plus, let’s face it, you’re basically a walking, talking, food providing heating pad.
When Work Becomes a Cat Bed
Your desk is not just a workspace; to your cat, it’s prime real estate. The elevated surface gives them a good vantage point, and being near you keeps them in the loop, so to speak. After all, who knows when you might decide to take a snack break?
Why Your Lap is Irresistible
Your lap is warm, soft, and attached to their favorite human – what’s not to love? While it might make laptop use challenging, your cat sees it as the perfect spot for a siesta.
When Reading Takes a Backseat
Cats don’t understand the concept of reading, but they do understand that a book in your lap means you’re sitting still, making you an ideal napping spot. Plus, if they sprawl out on the pages, they get the added benefit of your undivided attention.
What to Do About These Sleepy Shenanigans
While it’s endearing that your cat wants to be near you, it’s also essential to set boundaries. Consider setting up a cozy cat bed near your usual spots, using treats to encourage them to sleep there. If they insist on being too close for comfort, gently relocate them to their designated area.
The Purr-fect Compromise
Understanding why your cat wants to sleep near you can help you appreciate their affection while also finding ways to make it work for both of you. With a little patience and some strategic planning, you can enjoy your cat’s company without sacrificing your personal space.
P.S. A Personal Note
The guidelines in this article are general recommendations. Every cat is unique, so it’s always best to consult your vet for personalized advice. May your home be a haven of feline friendship and well-placed naps!

P.P.S. A Very Personal Note on Feline Comfort form a crazy… you know who
On the photos accompanying this article, you’ll notice an extra level of “crazy cat person” commitment from me. I’ve even placed a pillow on the nearby table behind my monitor. Why? To offer my cats a comfy alternative to the hard table surface. If that doesn’t scream “dedicated cat parent” (or a crazy cat lady) I don’t know what does!