Understanding Why Cats Are Picky Eaters and How to Please Their Palates
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Understanding Why Cats Are Picky Eaters and How to Please Their Palates

The Gourmet Cat: Why Are Felines Such Picky Eaters?

Cats are known for their dignified demeanor and particular preferences, especially when it comes to food. But why are cats such finicky eaters? The answer lies in a combination of biology, instinct, and individual taste.

The Science Behind the Selectiveness

  1. Limited Taste Buds: Cats have fewer taste buds compared to humans, making them more sensitive to certain flavors and textures.
  2. Carnivorous Nature: Being obligate carnivores, cats naturally crave protein-rich foods and may turn their noses up at anything that doesn’t meet their dietary needs.
  3. Safety First: Cats are cautious by nature and may be wary of new foods, associating them with potential danger or discomfort.
Our cat Tito eating home cooked cat food, fishballs

The Human Touch: Cooking for Your Cat

Believe it or not, many cat owners have taken to cooking for their feline friends. Preparing homemade meals allows you to control the ingredients and cater to your cat’s specific tastes. We’ve experimented with several recipes, and one that’s been a hit is our “fishballs.”

Fishballs Recipe


  • 1 cup cooked salmon (or tuna)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 1/4 cup grated cheese
  • 1 teaspoon brewer’s yeast
  • A pinch of chopped catnip


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a food processor, blend the salmon, egg, parsley, grated cheese, brewer’s yeast, and chopped catnip until smooth.
  3. Form the mixture into small balls and place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until firm.
  5. Let cool before serving to your cat.
Cooking for cats, mixed ingredients in a food processor

Tips for Feeding a Picky Cat

  1. Variety is Key: Rotate between different protein sources to keep meals interesting.
  2. Slow Introduction: When introducing new foods, mix them with your cat’s current favorites to ease the transition.
  3. Meal Timing: Consistent feeding times can help your cat become more comfortable with their food.

Understanding why cats are picky eaters can help you make more informed choices about their diet. Whether you’re buying commercial cat food or cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the key is to offer a balanced meal that satisfies their selective palates. And if you’re looking for a recipe to start with, our fishballs are a purr-fect choice!

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