Feeding Cats – Tips, Tricks, and Fun Ideas to Keep Your Cats Healthy and Entertained

Feeding cats is like running a small kitchen for picky toddlers – except these toddlers have fur, whiskers, and an attitude about everything. At home, I have three cats with very different food preferences. Myratz is the fussiest eater I’ve ever met, Pierre has some health issues and is stuck with hypoallergenic dry food, and […]

7 mins read

The Purr-fect Guide to Homemade Food for Cats: Easy, Quick, and Yummy Recipe – Beefy Barley Delight

Let’s face it, cats can be some of the pickiest eaters out there. I mean, have you ever had a cat give you the look when you serve them something they didn’t fancy? Trust me, it’s a whole vibe of feline disappointment. Not all cats are fussy, but from my experience, a good number of […]

8 mins read

The Purr-fect Cat Lovers Gift: Minimalist Cat Portrait Apparel

I’m thrilled to share with you one of my favorite cat-themed t-shirt ideas, perfect for cat lovers’ gifts. If you adore cats and enjoy stylish apparel, you’re in for a treat. Today, I’m talking about a simple yet modern cat portrait design that’s perfect for t-shirts, hoodies, long sleeve shirts, and tank tops. I’ve named […]

5 mins read

Making Homemade Cat Food: Delicious Chicken Meowy Jello Recipe

Hey cat lovers from all around the world! It has been some time since I posted any recipe for homemade cat food. So, here it is: Chicken Meowy Jello. This recipe is simple, fun, and your cats will love it! (Maybe 🙂 there is a chance, LOL) Why Make Homemade Cat Food? Making homemade cat […]

5 mins read